This is cool and all, but TV’s have nasty stuff like mercury and big ass capacitors in them. They should be disposed of with care at a recycling facility after the fun is had.
That’s so cool, throwing toxic waste all over the place. I really like to make the environment around me into one big nasty chemical trash!
just a kid on
February 18, 2008 2:15 pm
Blowing things up is a lot of fun, especially in movies.
But wait! This is real life.
Is anybody even considering the environmental impact of all that crap leeching into your local water? We are talking about thousands and thousands of crt tubes here…
JC on
February 18, 2008 3:46 pm
Does anyone know of a way to ruin a TV without any damage to the actual appearance to the outside of the TV. Damage it so that it will no longer turn on, or to the point that its unwatchable…i figure hijacking the TV is a good way to justify getting a new Plasma. Anyone have any ideas?
You are all quite justified in your concern about environmental issues.Im the guy driving the garbage truck in video #8 and I see everyday the callous disregard many people have for the earth.
Unfortunately where I live this stuff is not banned from the garbage,it is optional whether or not people choose to dispose of it properly,and if they put it out I have to pick it up.
I am hoping to see this change in the near future,but in the meantime I have to do my job,and I figured I could at least get some entertaining video out of it.There are more vids of my garbage truck crushing stuff if anyone is interested.
[…] Heute nacht ist eine komplette Mondfinsternis! Also aufpassen, der Nachbar könnte zum Werwolf mutieren ;D Und wer voher schnell noch seinen alten Fernseher rausschaffen will, kann sich hier Tipps dazu abholen: 25 Wege, seinen alten Fernseher loszukriegen. Doch am besten vorher ne Kamera besorgen, es in bragster, der Community für Angeber, stellen und später bei einem der vielen Videoportale hochladen! Welches dazu am besten geeignet ist, kann man sich hier anschauen. Verwandte Artikel […]
James Bond§ on
February 26, 2008 8:40 am
In more civilised areas of this world, such as Europe, we pay an up-front recycling fee on all consumer electronics. Once it is up for change, the retail outlet is oblliged to take it back and recycle – what a concept! Isn’t Al Gore a US Citizen?
Hi! I am a self-confessed geek with an insatiable appetite for gadgets and travel. Currently I own a MacBook Pro, 30GB iPod video and a big credit card balance.
Why didn’t I think of doing this to one of the old TVs I just got rid of? Drat.
I miss the bat.
[…] Enlace: 25 Ways To Offload Your Old TV […]
This is cool and all, but TV’s have nasty stuff like mercury and big ass capacitors in them. They should be disposed of with care at a recycling facility after the fun is had.
There’s also the fish tank tv!
That’s so cool, throwing toxic waste all over the place. I really like to make the environment around me into one big nasty chemical trash!
Blowing things up is a lot of fun, especially in movies.
But wait! This is real life.
Is anybody even considering the environmental impact of all that crap leeching into your local water? We are talking about thousands and thousands of crt tubes here…
Does anyone know of a way to ruin a TV without any damage to the actual appearance to the outside of the TV. Damage it so that it will no longer turn on, or to the point that its unwatchable…i figure hijacking the TV is a good way to justify getting a new Plasma. Anyone have any ideas?
You are all quite justified in your concern about environmental issues.Im the guy driving the garbage truck in video #8 and I see everyday the callous disregard many people have for the earth.
Unfortunately where I live this stuff is not banned from the garbage,it is optional whether or not people choose to dispose of it properly,and if they put it out I have to pick it up.
I am hoping to see this change in the near future,but in the meantime I have to do my job,and I figured I could at least get some entertaining video out of it.There are more vids of my garbage truck crushing stuff if anyone is interested.
I’d rather sell or donate my old tube when I get a flatscreen
[…] Heute nacht ist eine komplette Mondfinsternis! Also aufpassen, der Nachbar könnte zum Werwolf mutieren ;D Und wer voher schnell noch seinen alten Fernseher rausschaffen will, kann sich hier Tipps dazu abholen: 25 Wege, seinen alten Fernseher loszukriegen. Doch am besten vorher ne Kamera besorgen, es in bragster, der Community für Angeber, stellen und später bei einem der vielen Videoportale hochladen! Welches dazu am besten geeignet ist, kann man sich hier anschauen. Verwandte Artikel […]
In more civilised areas of this world, such as Europe, we pay an up-front recycling fee on all consumer electronics. Once it is up for change, the retail outlet is oblliged to take it back and recycle – what a concept! Isn’t Al Gore a US Citizen?