stun-gun.jpgThe Scorpion 200 Spray and Stun Gun is a good defense instrument for intrepid travelers who find dark alleys in strange places irresistible. The device can unleash 200,000 volts to sufficiently stun an assailant or you can spray him with pepper; useful for women. The grip of this lightweight device fits all hand sizes.

2 Responses to “Safety for the intrepid traveler”

  1. ourman on April 8, 2007 10:36 am

    Haven’t we learned yet that having a weapon only increases the danger to yourself?

    Better just to avoid dangerous situations. I can imagine if everybody started traveling with these, some poor Hanoi cyclo driver would end up getting 200,000 volts through him just for over charging.

    Let’s face it, this isn’t a travel item. It’s just a weapon.

    Sell it to the gun crowd instead – those people who don’t even passports.

    If not, then good luck getting it through customs.

  2. Geoffrey on August 18, 2007 6:18 pm

    This a very Good alternative to bring than having nothing at all.. It is best to carry for students, people who work late at night and having one in your car but for travellers maybe not preferrably specially when you go from one airport to another, it will be best if you buy from the destinaion place and when you are planning to stay a longer time, thats the best for travellers.. As for the performance, effectivity it has been tested effectively that it has brought down a big guy to his knees that all I can share for my experience and having one “Cool” Gadget…

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