Knee DefenderYou’re flying from London to Sydney. It’s going to take about 30 hours before you arrive. On the way you’ll stop for a few hours at Singapore. You’re tired and starting to get a bit tetchy. Then the person sitting in front of you decides to pitch back their seat, making your miserly few inches of legroom vanish.

Or does it? If you had a Knee Defender that wouldn’t be a problem. This simple and easy to use piece of kit clips onto the seat in from and prevents them from reclining. I suppose it would have the potential to start a serious argument at 30,000 feet, but at least you would have some space.

You can pick on of these Knee Defenders up for just $14.95. Highly advisable for your next trip, as long as someone doesn’t use it on you!

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Hi! I am a self-confessed geek with an insatiable appetite for gadgets and travel. Currently I own a MacBook Pro, 30GB iPod video and a big credit card balance.