urban-tool.jpgOur ever increasing dependence on technology has expanded our needs such that when we step out we need our PDAs, cell-phones, keys, glares, an MP3 player, and maybe even a camera to feel complete. Although bags, backpacks, and briefcases are there, they aren’t really what one would want. What one actually needs is something of the kind of accessories provided by Urban Tools. A body-hugging holster that can be worn under your clothes. It is available in a number of designs that are cool and functional as well.

One Response to “So you don’t feel naked and lost”

  1. our man on February 8, 2007 10:47 pm

    Dude, that is the stupidest thing I have ever seen. Didn’t perennial nobhead Gareth, in the Office (English version) have something similar?

    I live in Vietnam and the longer I am here the more I am starting to see it from the locals perspective. Westerners on holiday looks ridiculous. Vietnamese people, for example, can’t fathom why westerners keep their cash in money belts – when they get along fine with their wallet in their back pocket.

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